Course Dates for 2025
November 2025
The problem is that we are not constant – ups and downs, full of hopes and despairs; we need to find a motivation beyond the hope! This motivation will raise from within, from our own physical body.
We start with the tattvas, with the elements, we need to balance and boost them, we create a pressure so that we are really alive. This Level 2 module is connected to the earth, our foundation. During this week we go through the elements and we will learn the discipline of how to listen to our physical body, how stress affects our balance (physically, energetically and spiritually).
Vitality is our earth, because if we don’t have vitality we cannot master our nervous system, we cannot meditate. Vitality is not doing the Olympics! It means we can master our energy and change pace at will. Whatever comes to us in our life, we are ready to learn and we want even more challenges.
The first serious relationship we need to create is with our physical body. It is the paradox with kundalini yoga, it is the yoga of the mind, but the mind includes the physical body, it is applied philosophy, but we need to experience it through our physical body. The physical body is an instrument to measure our progression, our understanding. It is a blessing to incarnate with a body, the soul alone cannot grow. We must value this chance to have a physical body and through that body, understand our connection to the world and the infinite.
November 17.00 2025
Le Bied, Colombier, Neuchatel, Switzerland
au Manoir du Bied à Colombier – Suisse
To join the course you must have completed the Level 1 Aquarian Trainer course
To complete the course you will be required to:-
- Do preparation as required for some modules,
- Attend Study Groups either in person or via Skype or Zoom,
- Pass a written examination,
- Accept the Code of Professional Standards for Kundalini Yoga Teachers,
- Fulfil your financial commitment.
Formulaire d’inscription 2024
Kundalini Yoga – Formation Internationale des enseignants
au Manoir du Bied à Colombier – Suisse
Afin de réserver votre place, prière de renvoyer ce formulaire à
Investissement :
Logement et nourriture:
- 720chf par module à payer au plus tard 2 semaines avant chaque module
Frais d’enseignement:
- 765chf par module à payer au plus tard 4 semaines avant chaque module
À Yvonne de Bosset IBAN CH930029029050855540W
Manuel Aquarian Teacher :
- 108chf à commander par vos soins sur
Formulaire d’inscription 2024
Kundalini Yoga – Formation Internationale des enseignants
au Manoir du Bied à Colombier – Suisse
Afin de réserver votre place, prière de contact
Investissement :
Logement et nourriture:
- 720chf par module à payer au plus tard 2 semaines avant chaque module
Frais d’enseignement:
- 765chf par module à payer au plus tard 4 semaines avant chaque module
À Yvonne de Bosset IBAN CH930029029050855540W
By email and bank transfer
Pay your deposit to Hari Har Kaur,
Sort code: 40-45-29
Acc. No. 81511483
Please put your name as reference and email us to know that you have done this.
Through the website
Fill out our online application form below and pay your deposit using PayPal.
By post with cheque
Please send a cheque for the full sum made payable to: Hari Har Kaur.
Mail address: 5 Wath Wood Drive, Swinton, Mexborough, South Yorkshire, S64 8UW