Images of Teacher Training

Here is music for the Meditation to clear Karmas
Here is some music for Nabhi Kriya, unfortunately the one we used will not upload but this one works well so enjoy!
Below are the Sadhana Mantras. Please note that they are not necessarily in the correct order due to upload limitations so please follow the order at the back of the Japji text.
Change – Gurunam Singh
The Journey Home, The Flow of Naam – Gurunam Singh Josef Levry
Awakened Earth, Mountain Sadhana – Mirabai
Crimson Collection – Singh Kaur
The Lightness of Being, Ignite Your Light -Sat Kirin Kaur Khalsa
Kundalini Technology – Kamari and Manvir
Adhara – Niranjan Kaur
Serves 4
Serves 4-5
The following are some websites that we have found really helpful and we hope you do too.